Monday, April 2, 2018

Mid-Challenge Inspiration Post for Challenge #65

The party continues! Welcome to the Mid-Challenge Inspiration post for our 65th challenge, hosted by the Stella Team and to the special party celebrating our 4th Anniversary here on the AWCB!  We again thank all of our friends and supporters both new and old.  As you know, our theme for this challenge is the ever popular Sprite Delight (V!).

Just in case you missed our "party favor", here she is again. Meet the adorable new Lilac Sprite, Mitzi's gift to you for the duration of the challenge.

Left click on the image, then right click and save to your computer.  Feel free to copy and save Lilac Sprite to use in this challenge and future projects.  You are not required to use Lilac Sprite in this challenge but we would love to see her. Regular copyright rules apply.  Do not post this image on your Blog, Pinterest, etc. or share with friends.  Please refer them to the AW Challenge Blog so they may download their own copy.

No Back Linking
Must be a finished project with a hand colored image following the set theme
Link to specific post, not entire Blog
Link back to Aurora Wings Challenge

You may link to as many other challenges as you like

Please note:  WE ARE ONLY ACCEPTING AURORA WINGS SPRITES for this challenge. You may enter up to 3 times, as always when using AW images.  Please avoid using the AW big eyed doll face images with Sprite in the title for this challenge. Entries using other company's images will be removed without warning.

And if that isn't enough of an incentive to join the party, we're also DOUBLING OUR PRIZES for this challenge to include:

2 (TWO!) Artist's Choice Winners to be chosen by Mitzi from all entries using an                 Aurora Wings image (Custom badge+3 single digital images)

2 (TWO!) Random Winners (3 single digital images)

Top 6 (SIX!) To be selected by the Design Teams from all entries (Custom badge+1 single digital image each)

So shall we get to some more fabulous inspiration, this time from the Stella team?  First, using the gorgeous new Lilac Sprite (available above)...

And using a variety of Mitzi's other whimsical Sprites

Guest Designer Priss (read her bio HERE) using Poppy Sprite available HERE
on and HERE on Etsy 

Laine using Primrose Sprite available exclusively HERE on

Rora using Columbine Sprite available HERE on
and HERE on Etsy

Donna using Hot Cocoa Sprite available HERE at
and HERE on Etsy

Sara using Coffee Sprite available HERE on 
and HERE on Etsy

Myndi using Wine Sprite available HERE on 
and HERE on Etsy

Cristena using Shamrock Sprite available HERE on Aurora 
and HERE on Etsy

The challenge will be open at 9:00 am EST Monday March 19th and close at 11:55 pm EST Saturday April 16th 2018 with a mid challenge inspiration post on April 2nd. Entries posted prior to March 19th will be deleted. All entries must have a hand colored digital or rubber stamp on their completed project to be eligible. Please follow the chosen theme.  You may enter your project in as many other challenges as desired. Please link to your POST address, NOT your BLOG address and link back to the Aurora Wings Challenge Blog. We would greatly appreciate you removing word verification and switching to comment moderation if you fear spam. In fairness to all, those not following the rules will be deleted. Thank you for your understanding and please have fun. We look forward to your fabulous creations.

Also, because of the difficulties we have experienced with Facebook entries, I regret that we will no longer be accepting them on the Challenge Blog.  Thank you for your understanding.  

If you do not have a blog and would still like to enter this challenge,  please email me at donnamundinger(at)gmail(dot)com with your name, a picture of your entry and Aurora Wings Challenge #65 in the subject line, and I will add it to our Aurora Wings Submissions Blog, where it can be viewed and commented on, and to the Linky so you can participate here. Hopefully this will accommodate everyone.  xx

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)